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The Indecent Soap Co.'s


Calgary has so much to offer- especially when it comes to amazing local businesses! Check out our curated list of faves from around the city- whether you're into brunch or board games, you're sure to find something new & exciting here!

Have a recommendation or want to be featured? Slide into our DM's & tell us all about it!

As amazing as YYC's craft beer selection is- it can get overwhelming when you have to wade through literally HUNDREDS of microbreweries to find a new signature bevvie. Pop into Collective today (next to the Avenida Market Hall) & get rid of Analysis Paralysis for good with their informative and friendly staff & expertly curated rotating taps.

Gorgeous embroidery & snarky fibre arts are the belles of the Dying Trend ball; featuring sassy quips and mildly offensive themes, Morgan takes a classy medium and makes it accessible for the rest of us degens.

You know those super weird thoughts your brain won't STFU about at 3am? That's exactly what you'll find (in sticker form!) at SmashCraft YYC. There's no preparing for what you'll find, but I guarantee you'll fall in love with SOMETHING.

I always thought permanent makeup was garish, thick black lines exclusively for old ladies. I was very very wrong. I allowed Kelsie to tattoo my eyebrows, eyeliner, eyelids, fake freckles, and lips. It was PAINLESS and has literally caused my confidence to SKYROCKET. Book a free consult today!

We don't go out to eat often in this economy, but when we do it's for brunch at Benny's. This is our family's favourite Sunday morning stop where we catch up over delicious diner fare & enjoy the retro atmosphere reminiscent of a (somewhat) better time.

Tip: Try the Reuben. You're welcome.

There's only ONE photographer I'll trust with my face, and it DEFINITELY isn't my husband. Chelsea has done all of our (family, wedding, etc) photos since 2020 & that won't be changing anytime soon. Her vibe is fun, natural, candid, and with as much natural light as possible (which means the most INSANELY creative outdoor shoots!). Check her socials & website for more info!

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